Monday 9 August 2010

9th August

I am working with silent meditation during Monday to Friday and the guided sitting in the power and mediumistic unfoldment on weekends.

An interesting point noted about the meditations is that from Monday to Friday, the depth is not as great as on weekends but that it is all having an affect both on how I react to situations and my outlook.  Meditation reduces stress levels but also begins to effect the way you look at life.  I suspect part of the challenge is to maintain this change of focus and the temptation is to slide back into a 'normal' way of reacting/acting.  As an explanation of the last sentence consider the burdens of life on a person and then imagine that the next day they have passed over for whatever reason.  The burdens are (in theory) no more and the sense of relief would I expect be enormous.  In a similar way so to is the effect of meditation on the outlook on life, with the change being a release and a re-evaluation of what is important.  In my case the changes are small and subtle and as I have already said the challenge is to maintain those small incremental changes in focus.

I don't feel a sense of sitting in the power yet but it is early days and I am happy to wait.  The process is described as being the most important part but because one is aware only of the day one meditates and not so aware of how much one has changed, it can be a frustrating experience.  Hence this blog was also to capture the development and highlight the changes over time.  So I am determined to keep the routine going for at least one year and to try to document the process.

Documentation is difficult because the meditational shifts are subtle and one is not sure what, if anything, is significant.  Certainly images come and go and the temptation to react or dwell on them is high.  Sometimes I wonder if it hurts to dwell or if it is also an important part of the development.  We will see.  One of the important points I think is to accept and not to judge, not to have preconceived ideas.  This I need to work on as these preconceptions can be very subtle when they are your own and are deeply ingrained (almost subconscious) desires.

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